MorgueMusings 2 ~ Beth's Second Crossing Jordan FanFic Page

Welcome to my site!!

Welcome to the second fanfiction site I have created for "Crossing Jordan." The show may be on hiatus until after Jill has her baby, but my mind hasn't shut down!
I hope you like these stories as well as the ones on the original MorgueMusings!

The Stories

"Tangled Webs" is the latest one I'm working on. Jordan's cousin Kaidlyn returns for an internship and we learn that Max isn't the only Cavanaugh with secrets. Maybe it's genetic.  "Tangled Webs" has grown so much that there is now a part two.  Same story, new twist, and a second page because the other one was getting stuck loading to edit it!

"Faith, Trust and...Pixie Dust?" came about from several things, not the least of which was that incredible scene where Jordan asked her old friend Paul, now a Roman Catholic priest, to help her pray. That whole faith journey thing has been in my head for a while, and it finally gelled into this story. It does have a good bit of "God-talk" being a faith journey, but I hope you check it out!

"When You Come Back Down" started when I heard Nickel Creek's song by the same title. I had no idea what kind of turns it would take on me (I started writing it from the end) when I started. Unlike a lot of my other ones, this one doesn't really fit into the timeline of the show so far. It's just a "future fic" I guess. Oh, and just so you know ~ there is a character death in the story. You've been warned!

"Closing Time" is one that just came to me after hearing Semisonic's song on the radio. I've been told it's a 10 hanky story. I'm putting it after "When You Come Back Down," but neither of them really follow anything in particular and each stands alone. Yes, another character death story ~ but not the same character.  FINALLY FINISHED!  Actually it's been done for a while and I didn't realize I hadn't finished it!  Sorry!!

I do NOT own "Crossing Jordan" or it's characters! They belong to Tim Kring, Tailwind Productions, and NBC! I merely borrow them for my fics and I put them back as soon as I'm done!

Additionally, I do borrow song lyrics for fics. I don't own those either ~ just borrowing them and I promise to put them back as well.

That said, in a few of my fics, I've added a character named Kaidlyn ~ Jordan's cousin ~ and occasionally Kaidlyn's mother, Laura appears as well. I do own them as they've never appeared or even been mentioned on the show.